unfound love
Thursday, August 21, 2008
SMS: Sweet Message Service!
“Who will get a mobile phone?! Definitely not me. It is such a pain on the neck and I can’t handle it.” This was the reaction when I persuaded him to get one. The mobile phones were getting less expensive and so were the calling rates and she already had a mobile! For one whole year he debated against until one fine day I get a call to my mobile from him. “Come soon to my place, we go and get a mobile for me, then a good connection plan, food at the hotel and then night stay.” I knew he will succumb to it, when he did to love, cant he for love?!
A brand new Sony Erricson with radio and a Hutch connection with unlimited free messages. Initially it was unlimited free and then they started charging money, but that never changed anything! So, the wireless communications began! Talks began to stretch beyond time and messages reminded them of the time! Electrons and love are the same. When excited, they can never be understood! And yet only when excited, they yield the maximum! It was earphones while cycling and speaker while working but never did the call get cut. He used to proudly flaunt the call timer when it exceeded three hours on a single call and I guess the timer gets stuck after that. The charger cable was always connected to the power. He did not want low battery to put a stop to anything.
It made them close, very close. Mobile phones are sure romantic. Talks from inside the sheets after everyone is asleep, talks from the top of the water tank during a full moon midnight and so many more romanticisms filled their routine. Distance just dissolved.
Yet one more counter that he was maintaining was his SMS counter. Sadly, it did not show beyond 9999 because the mobile phone manufacturer did not know that this guy will own one! The slightest displacement in coordinates of position was immediately updated and the smallest bark of the dog in her house was also transmitted. A minute without the buzz was the longest! Seriously, those were days.
I met him early morning whilst going for my research work. He was with a bandaged thumb. The reason, entire night it was continuous messaging. He could not bend his thumb because of the high speed and frequent messaging. His eyes looked swollen from lack of sleep but his heart was the happiest and a very fully functional brain, recollecting every single message of last night! Definitely, sweet message service.
posted by prasanna venkatesh at 10:36 AM

who is this he/she ??? sounds too familiar. You sure you werent hiding in my cupboard at night? or were u??????? :D
Love you!
Oh.. I was reading posts those were dated two years back... so wats up with the she and he now????
I'm totally unknown to you. But your writing and the matter conveyed was really cute tat I could not stop reading the posts and even too inquisitive to know what happened after tat.. Resume writing here na..
Wonderful write-up
really nice.. i get this feeling i know the guy ur referring to.. is this the story of a couple who is getting married this month??
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